Showing 1 - 12 of 12 Results
Criminal Law and Procedure Cases and Materials (University Case Book Series) by Ronald N. Boyce, Rollin M. ... ISBN: 9780882777061 List Price: $56.00
Cases and Materials on Criminal Law and Procedure, Eighth Edition (University Casebook Series) by Ronald N. Boyce, Rollin M. ... ISBN: 9781566627474 List Price: $84.00
Boyce, Dripps and Perkins' Criminal Law and Procedure by Boyce, Ronald N., Dripps, D... ISBN: 9781599415925 List Price: $190.00
Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials by Ronald N. Boyce, Donald A. ... ISBN: 9781587787195 List Price: $132.00
Studyguide for Boyce, Dripps and Perkins Criminal Law and Procedure by Ronald N. Boyce, Isbn... by Cram101 Textbook Reviews, B... ISBN: 9781478429494 List Price: $28.95
Criminal Law and Procedure by Boyce, Ronald N., Dripps, D... ISBN: 9781599412481 List Price: $156.00
Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials by Boyce, Ronald N., Dripps, D... ISBN: 9781587787881
Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials - Rollin Morris Perkins - Hardcover - 6th ed by Perkins, Rollin M., Boyce, ... ISBN: 9780882771687 List Price: $30.00
Cases and materials on criminal law and procedure (University casebook series) by Perkins, Rollin Morris, Boy... ISBN: 9780882771861
Criminal Law and Procedure : Cases and Materials by Dripps, Donald A., Boyce, R... ISBN: 9781609302818